This past week has been mental. Between work, uni results, doctors and dentists, oh and not forgetting the hounds, iv barely had time to breathe.
So an update on all thats happened.
1)Im waiting on an appointment to go see a specialist about my leg, the varicose veins i have appear to be growing in number and the two on the front of my leg look bigger :( thankfully i will not have to pay for any treatment due to my freaky condition, (apparently varicose vein treatment is classed as cosmetic by the NHS so you dont get it free) but it looks like i may have to have another operation to strip them out. First of all though i get to go through loads of tests again, and no doubt have all the newbie doctors looking at me too (that always happens :s)
2)I got my uni results for the art section of my course. I got a 2:1, 2 x 2:2's and i failed one by one mark!!! Was not happy i can tell you. On the plus side i can retake that module and now i have a better understanding of what it entails, so fingers crossed i ace it next time. Sticking with the uni theme i finally start back next week YAY i have been so bored, it's been unreal.
3)Work is going so well, i finally feel like i am getting the hang of everything and am able to help customers easier (especially when it comes to dogs :P) Oh and i am getting a small tropical fish tank, just a small one but i believe that owning animals and experiencing how to look after them helps to deliver better customer service. Well thats my theory and im sticking to it haha.
4) Hound wise, Summer is still plodding on bless her, but the cold weather has been playing havoc with her joints :( Millie is still slightly sore in her mouth but she is getting better and is now willing to attack a kong in her usual manner. Dottie well she is still Dots, an absolute nutter, but i love her. Her agility is coming on in leaps and bounds, she is getting so much more confident on the contact equipment, and is starting to work away from me better, which is a real good thing as there is no way in the world i can kep up with her, even with studded trainers lol.
5) The raw feeding is definitely going ahead :D I just need to get my arse into gear and defrost the freezer and buy all my equipment i need. I was dead chuffed to, i rang my local butcher who told me he could only order the RMB's i need in 5kg lots! Which is ridiculous as i just do not have access to that much freezer space, however upon searching i found a smaller butcher in the next town who can regularly order me them in much much smaller batches (YAY) So i get my first lot on friday, which i havn't timed well really as i have the dentist on friday too, so i'm probably going to still be numb from the anaesthetic :s
So there we go quick update for you all. Bound to be more stuff for me to detail you all with soon enough. Anyways ofskies for now, iv got the pack to walk and i'm going to go scope out fish stuff today as well :D
Oooooh sounds like you've had a very busy week then :S
ReplyDeleteHopefully the raw feeding goes down well. (: And good luck with your appointments for your legs. :S
Love to you and the pooches! <3